In part III of this series, I will share with you a simple test you can do at home to check if the essential oils which you have purchased are pure.
If you have several types of essential oils at home, I would suggest you test them all together on one sheet of paper.
So here's the test:
Drip a drop of essential oil on any piece of white paper and let it rest for awhile (around two hours or more depending on drop size).
If it is pure, it should not leave any clear marks on the paper. However, if its not pure and has been diluted with other oils, there will be an oil ring/mark left behind on the white piece of paper - and this mark will stay even after several days.
There, now you know how to test if what you bought is pure.
Safe dilution of essential oils
Essential oils to be used topically on the skin - as an oil or in balms, butters, lotions and creams need to be diluted as they are concentrated and may irritate skin.
Dilution factors generally range from 1%-5% with most products using the lower ranges as they are produced for people with different skin types.
So, when you buy pure essential oils, if you want to apply it topically, please remember that you need to dilute it!
In my next few blog entries, I will discuss base/carrier oils to be used and also begin to share about the beneficial properties of common essential oils.
If you are following my blog and enjoy these bite size information, please share this and also feedback on questions you might have so I can share what I've learnt too!
Stay tuned!
